Archive for October, 2011

Renew Self-Signed SSL Certificated for SBS 2008

Monday, October 24th, 2011

By default, the self-signed certificate for Windows SBS 2008 is valid for 2 years. Upon expiration, OWA will prompt an error about the certificate expiratory. Outlook will not be able to connect to Exchange Server. To Renew the Self-signed certificate, here are the steps to fix it.

1. Open Windows SBS Console.
2. Click Network and then Connectivity Tab
3. View Certificate Properties to verify certificate expiration date
4. to fix the certificate issue. Under the Connectivity Tasks -> Click Fix my network

Wildcard DNS Entries for Windows 2000 DNS Server

Saturday, October 15th, 2011

To add a wildcard DNS entry to Windows 2000 DNS Server, you will need to create this under the CLI

for example, if you would like to add an entry like


Try the following command

dnscmd.exe /RecordAdd *.dev A